1 cup roasted peanuts 
1 cup all-purpose flour 
1 ¼ cups creamy peanut butter 
½ cup butter (unsalted, soft but cool) 
1 ½ cups sugar 
½ teaspoon salt 
¾ teaspoon baking soda 
½ teaspoon baking powder 
2 teaspoons vanilla extract 
1 large egg (beaten) 
3 tablespoons milk 

 INSTRUCTIONS Preheat oven to 350°F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. In a food processor, blend peanuts and flour until they're a fine powder (about 30 seconds). In a stand mixer bowl, beat together peanut butter, butter, sugar, salt, baking soda, baking powder, and vanilla on medium speed until the mixture is soft and light (about 3 minutes). Add the beaten eggs in two portions until well incorporated (if you add them all at once, the mixture may separate). Mix in peanut flour on low speed, then add milk and continue mixing until a soft dough forms. Bake for 16 minutes until the edges are crisp and the tops are starting to brown. Allow to cool on the baking sheet for at least 10 minutes to set the crumb.
